Luyengo Campus


Dear Student

Add & Drop forms have been sent to your emails and are also available on this site (Students’ page).

This is a reminder that:

  1. Carefully select courses in your registration portal using your calendar to avoid having to add and drop courses unnecessarily.
  2. Tuition fees shall be refunded if formal Course dropping is requested within the first two weeks after the commencement of lectures in a semester. This shall be Friday 10th November 2023 for this semester.
  3. A student who drops a course after the two weeks of the commencement of lectures shall be liable for all fees for that course in the semester.
  4. A student who wishes to drop a course (s)/subject (s) shall do so within six (6) weeks after the commencement of lectures in that semester (before 08th December 2023 – this semester). There shall be no refund for dropped course(s) after 10th November 2023.  

Thank you for your cooperation

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Should you need further clarification, feel free to email the Faculty Administrator.

Kindly note that your full copy of results is only available through the results portal – after you have cleared with the Student Finance office. The Student Finance office may give guidance on that process.

Wishing you well in the coming semester.

About Us

The Faculty of Consumer Sciences offers a diverse yet integrated menu of scientific and technical courses to enable a better understanding of factors impacting consumers’ general well-being and in achieving an improved quality of life. 

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