- Luyengo, Eswatini
- consumersci@uniswa.sz
- +268 2517 0520

Research & Publications
One of objectives of the Faculty of Consumer Sciences is to apply science and technology in research for developing innovations to benefit the business sector and the country as a whole, and disseminate research outputs;
Research & Publications
Research Papers
- One paper from M.Sc. thesis by Mr. Baphelele Khumalo has been published in the Journal of Food. The paper is titled:
“Isolation, identification and characterization of predominant microorganisms in Swazi traditional fermented porridge (incwancwa) and optimization of fermentation conditions.”
Research Papers
- Valorisation of brewer’s spent grain flour (BSGF) through wheat-maize-BSGF composite flour bread: optimization using D-optimal mixture design”. Heliyon, p.e09514, 2022.
- Antiproliferative and Cytotoxic Effects of Methanol-Water Leaf Extracts of balsamina and M. foetida from Eswatini on Human Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Hepg2) Cell Line”. International Journal of Life Sciences. 11(3):23-29, 2022.
- Optimization of heat treatment and pH of red and white pear cactus [Opuntia ficus-indica (L) mill] fruit juice using response surface methodology. Food Research 6(3): 124-135, 2022.
Book Chapter
Solomon, W K; Nkambule, T P; “Biological Activities and Antioxidant Properties of Guizotia abyssinica (niger) seed oil.” In Multiple Biological Activities of Unconventional Seed Oils, by A. A. Mariod, January 2022.
Journal Article
Shongwe, S G; Solomon, W K; Shelembe, J S; Nkambule, T P; “Dough Rheology and Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Wheat-peanut Composite Flour Bread.” Legume Science, February 2022.
Prof. L. Wangatia co-authored and published two articles on the 3rd and 14th February 2022, respectively. The titles of these articles are:
- An innovative catalyst of PdNiP nanosphere deposited PEDOT:PSS/rGO hybrid material as an efficient electrocatalyst for alkaline urea oxidation
Insights into the Electrochemical Behavior and Kinetics of NiP@PANI/rGO as a High‑Performance Electrode for Alkaline Urea Oxidation
The Department of Consumer Science Education and Community Development completed the following
self-financed research projects:
- Predictors of Learning Quality in the Teaching and Learning of Fashion and Fabrics.
- Improving and Enhancing Meal Participation by Learners in the School Feeding Programme in Selected Eswatini
High Schools. - Teachers’ Reflections of their Rationale for Teaching Consumer Sciences at Secondary Schools of Swaziland.
- Do School Facilities In Eswatini Consumer Sciences Supports Quality Education?
- Effects of Sexual Harassment on Teachers By Students In High Schools In The Manzini Region.
Publications in International Journals
A total of eighteen articles were published in peer reviewed journals. The Department of Consumer Science Education and Community Development published sixteen articles on:
- Social Media and Behavioural Patterns of Consumer Science High School Students in Eswatini;
- Teaching Practice Mentoring of Consumer Science Student Teachers in Eswatini High Schools;
- Elective Subjects in Zimbabwean High Schools: Examining Influential Attributes for Prospective Students for Physical Education and Home Economics in Masvingo;
- Educational Goals for Practical subjects: Factors that Determine Implementation of Physical Education
and Home Economics Curriculum in Masvingo Primary Schools, Zimbabwe; - Interrogating Influence of Family Structure on Academic Performance of Zimbabwe Female University Students;
- Food Trends and Lifestyle of College Students in Zimbabwe;
- Attributes of High Failure Rates in Fashion and Fabrics in Rural High Schools. A Case of Manzini Region in Eswatini;
- Teacher Competences in the Teaching of Fashion and Fabrics Practical Skills in Eswatini High Schools;
- Relationship of Dietary Intake of Food Group and Academic Performance of College Students in Zimbabwe;
- Impact of Self-help Group Projects on Women’s Livelihoods in a Peri-urban Settlement in Matabeleland, Zimbabwe;
- A Motivating Tool in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics (Zimbabwe Indigenous Games);
- Predictors of learning quality in the Teaching and Learning of Fashion and Fabrics;
- Improving and Enhancing Meal Participation by Learners in the School Feeding Programme in Selected Eswatini High Schools;
- Teachers’ Reflections of Their Rationale for Teaching Consumer Sciences at Secondary Schools of Swaziland;
- Do School Facilities In Eswatini Consumer Sciences Supports Quality Education?; and
- Effects of Sexual Harassment on Teachers By Students In High Schools In The Manzini Region.
The Department of Food and Nutrition Sciences published two articles on:
- Individual, household and Community Level Barriers to ART Adherence Among Women in Rural Eswatini;
- Optimization of blending Ratios of Jam from Swazi indigenous Fruits: Tincozi (syzygium cordatum), tineyi (phyllogeiton zeyheri) and Umfomfo (cephalanthus natalensis oliv.) Using Mixture Design.
About Us
The Faculty of Consumer Sciences offers a diverse yet integrated menu of scientific and technical courses to enable a better understanding of factors impacting consumers’ general well-being and in achieving an improved quality of life.