Research & Publications

One of objectives of the Faculty of Consumer Sciences is to apply science and technology in research for developing innovations to benefit the business sector and the country as a whole, and disseminate research outputs;

Research & Publications

Research Papers

  • One paper from M.Sc. thesis by Mr. Baphelele Khumalo has been published in the Journal of Food. The paper is titled:

    Isolation, identification and characterization of predominant microorganisms in Swazi traditional fermented porridge (incwancwa) and optimization of fermentation conditions.”

Research Papers

  • Valorisation of brewer’s spent grain flour (BSGF) through wheat-maize-BSGF composite flour bread: optimization using D-optimal mixture design”. Heliyon, p.e09514, 2022.
  • Antiproliferative and Cytotoxic Effects of Methanol-Water Leaf Extracts of balsamina and M. foetida from Eswatini on Human Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Hepg2) Cell Line”. International Journal of Life Sciences. 11(3):23-29, 2022.
  • Optimization of heat treatment and pH of red and white pear cactus [Opuntia ficus-indica (L) mill] fruit juice using response surface methodology. Food Research 6(3): 124-135, 2022.

Book Chapter

Solomon, W K; Nkambule, T P; “Biological Activities and Antioxidant Properties of Guizotia abyssinica (niger) seed oil.” In Multiple Biological Activities of Unconventional Seed Oils, by A. A. Mariod, January 2022.

Journal Article

Shongwe, S G; Solomon, W K; Shelembe, J S; Nkambule, T P; “Dough Rheology and Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Wheat-peanut Composite Flour Bread.” Legume Science, February 2022.

Prof. L. Wangatia co-authored and published two articles on the 3rd and 14th February 2022, respectively. The titles of these articles are:

    1. An innovative catalyst of PdNiP nanosphere deposited PEDOT:PSS/rGO hybrid material as an efficient electrocatalyst for alkaline urea oxidation
    2. Insights into the Electrochemical Behavior and Kinetics of NiP@PANI/rGO as a High‑Performance Electrode for Alkaline Urea Oxidation

The Department of Consumer Science Education and Community Development completed the following
self-financed research projects:

  1. Predictors of Learning Quality in the Teaching and Learning of Fashion and Fabrics.
  2. Improving and Enhancing Meal Participation by Learners in the School Feeding Programme in Selected Eswatini
    High Schools.
  3. Teachers’ Reflections of their Rationale for Teaching Consumer Sciences at Secondary Schools of Swaziland.
  4. Do School Facilities In Eswatini Consumer Sciences Supports Quality Education?
  5. Effects of Sexual Harassment on Teachers By Students In High Schools In The Manzini Region.

Publications in International Journals

A total of eighteen articles were published in peer reviewed journals. The Department of Consumer Science Education and Community Development published sixteen articles on:

  1. Social Media and Behavioural Patterns of Consumer Science High School Students in Eswatini;
  2. Teaching Practice Mentoring of Consumer Science Student Teachers in Eswatini High Schools;
  3. Elective Subjects in Zimbabwean High Schools: Examining Influential Attributes for Prospective Students for Physical Education and Home Economics in Masvingo;
  4. Educational Goals for Practical subjects: Factors that Determine Implementation of Physical Education
    and Home Economics Curriculum in Masvingo Primary Schools, Zimbabwe;
  5. Interrogating Influence of Family Structure on Academic Performance of Zimbabwe Female University Students;
  6. Food Trends and Lifestyle of College Students in Zimbabwe;
  7. Attributes of High Failure Rates in Fashion and Fabrics in Rural High Schools. A Case of Manzini Region in Eswatini;
  8. Teacher Competences in the Teaching of Fashion and Fabrics Practical Skills in Eswatini High Schools;
  9. Relationship of Dietary Intake of Food Group and Academic Performance of College Students in Zimbabwe;
  10. Impact of Self-help Group Projects on Women’s Livelihoods in a Peri-urban Settlement in Matabeleland, Zimbabwe;
  11. A Motivating Tool in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics (Zimbabwe Indigenous Games);
  12. Predictors of learning quality in the Teaching and Learning of Fashion and Fabrics;
  13. Improving and Enhancing Meal Participation by Learners in the School Feeding Programme in Selected Eswatini High Schools; 
  14. Teachers’ Reflections of Their Rationale for Teaching Consumer Sciences at Secondary Schools of Swaziland; 
  15. Do School Facilities In Eswatini Consumer Sciences Supports Quality Education?; and 
  16. Effects of Sexual Harassment on Teachers By Students In High Schools In The Manzini Region.

The Department of Food and Nutrition Sciences published two articles on:

  1. Individual, household and Community Level Barriers to ART Adherence Among Women in Rural Eswatini;
  2. Optimization of blending Ratios of Jam from Swazi indigenous Fruits: Tincozi (syzygium cordatum), tineyi (phyllogeiton zeyheri) and Umfomfo (cephalanthus natalensis oliv.) Using Mixture Design.


About Us

The Faculty of Consumer Sciences offers a diverse yet integrated menu of scientific and technical courses to enable a better understanding of factors impacting consumers’ general well-being and in achieving an improved quality of life. 

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