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Faculty of Consumer Sciences Announcement for Staff & Students STAFF ANNOUNCEMENT FOR APPLICATION TO BE PART OF STAFF EXCHANGE PROGRAM ERASMUS+ MOBILITIES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ORADEA Date 15/10/2024 Background: Textile and Apparel Department in collaboration with Department of Textiles, Leather and Industrial Management in Oradea University Romania have secured funding from Erasmus+ program under
Registration First Semester 2023/2024 and 2024/2025
Luyengo Campus REGISTRATION FOR SECOND SEMESTER 2023/2024 ACADEMIC STATUS Dear Student Knowing your academic status is particularly important. The are five possible academic statuses: Proceed Unconditionally ( Passed all courses) Proceed Conditionally (with some failed courses and GPA above 2.0) Proceed Conditionally with Academic Warning (with some fail courses and GPA less than 2.0 –
Add & Drop Forms Second Semester 2023/2024
Luyengo Campus REGISTRATION FOR SECOND SEMESTER 2022/2023 ADD & DROP FORMS Dear Student Add & Drop forms have been sent to your emails and are also available on this site (Students’ page). This is a reminder that: Carefully select courses in your registration portal using your calendar to avoid having to add and drop courses
Technology can protect us….
Faculty of Consumer Sciences we work smart we don’t queue we do technology we do emails for record keeping we do paperless Fighting to get you a better future. moodle lms & email communication Maximise Your Tech-tools Queuing just to get assistance from the Faculty of Consumer Sciences should be outdated as we have transitioned
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The Institute of Distance Education provides educational and training opportunities for individuals who are unable to undertake conventional and professional university programmes and courses.